August 12, 2011

Five for Friday

Previous Fridays

1 - You got an amazing new job!

2 - You're taking us to Palm Desert this weekend, to stay at the "Saved by the Bell Hotel", and celebrate our anniversary and your new job.

3 – You fake throw me when we hug, sometimes.

4 – You pretend I can throw you really far.

5 – You’re handsome :)


  1. Congrats to the hubs on his new job!!!

  2. Hooray for #1! Hooray for all of them really :)

  3. That is awesome news! Congrats! Also, totally jealous about the SBTB hotel. Pics please!

  4. YEA new job!!! And I'm also totally jealous about that hotel. Definitely post pictures!!

  5. congrats to your hubby on the new job and to the two of you on your anniversary!! have a super great weekend ;)

  6. Congrats on his new job and have a great weekend celebrating your anniversary (loved saved by the bell!)

  7. What a great Five for Friday! Sorry I'm late to comment but so many Congrats are in order! to your hubs! to you AND your hubs! And to celebrating at the sbtb hotel. I hope you show us pics :)

  8. @Lobster - Thank you :) I'm hoping to post pics next week.

  9. Congrats on the new job! I love that you stayed at that hotel. FANTASTIC!
