July 9, 2010

Embracing 30th

Today is my 30th Birthday!

It's weird to say that I'm 30. I remember when I was 9 and 16 seemed like a lifetime away, then 21 to drink, and 24 to rent a car etc. Now, there is not mistaking it - I'm an adult.

Unlike a lot of my friends, I'm actually really excited to be turning 30. Many people my parents age have told me their 30s where the best time of their life and I can feel the next 10 years are going to be exciting. I'm going to graduate college, pursue a career I'm really excited about, explore the world with my husband, try to make that world a better place, get dog, buy a house, have children...

Hubs is taking me on a mini vacay to Indian Wells (Palm Springs) today. I'm hoping to eat yummy food, drink tasty drinks and lay by the pool. I'm also hoping to squeeze in some shopping ;-)

Are/were you excited about turning 30? or does it freak you out?


Anonymous said...

Happy Happy Birthday! And have a wonderful time in Palm Springs!

Katie said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY.. it certainly sounds like you are going to have fun :)

Nellie said...

Happy Birthday! I'm excited about turning 30, but it won't be for another year. I think it's 31 that I'm scared of ;)

Katie said...

It freaks me out, but I love your perspective! Happy 30th!

Mrs. B-P said...

Happy 30th Birthday!!!

I turned 30 about 2 weeks before I got married, so I know my 30's are going to be the best decade of my life. Marriage, house, puppy, kids... it's all very exciting!!

God's Blessings to you on this special day!!!

lavenderpug said...

happy birthday!! i was very excited about turning 30--i felt like it was time for me to enter a new era! have a wonderful trip!

honey my heart said...

happy birthday to youuuuuu! hope your celebration is lovely.

Anonymous said...

Happy 30th...you've got the whole weekend to celebrate!!

ABC said...

Happy Birthday!!!

BigAppleNosh said...

Yaaaaay, happy happy birthday! :)

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday! Hope you have a great time in Palm Springs! I'll be turning 30 later this year but I have a feeling we won't be doing much to celebrate as it will fall just a couple of months after the abby is born.

Anonymous said...

*after the baby is born. Ack can't type today!

kjpugs said...

YAY! I love hearing a positive outlook on 30! So glad you are having a WONDERFUL birthday!!!!!!!

I was in Indian Wells exactly 2 years ago today :) My sorority's convention was there. I was working. In a suit. It was like 213 degrees. It SUCKED. So pack a few swimsuits!

colleen said...

Happy Birthday! Have so much fun in Palm Springs!

Joy @ HowJoyful said...

Happy B-day!! I hope you had a wonderful day!
I will be there pretty close and I heard 30's are the new 21's =)

Jessica Lynn said...

I hope you had a fantastic birthday!!!!

Morgan said...

Happy birthday!!!! Hope you had a wonderful day, and are enjoying a fabulous night!

Em said...

So I totally missed this yesterday and I'm SOO sorry!! Hope you had the happiest of birthdays! Enjoy your birthday weekend getaway w/ your hubby!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday (a bit late)!

I hope you had a great trip. 30 has been a pretty great year for me thus far (I turned 30 in March).

Anonymous said...

I'm so late to this, but I hope you had a great birthday!!

Ali @ His Birdie's Nest said...

Thank you all so much for your birthday wishes :) I had the best birthday EVER. I can't wait for work to slow down this week so I can blog about it.

Sugar said...

I missed your big day, but I agree- embrace 30- it's the only way to go. And welcome to the cool kids club!

Beth Dotolo said...

Happy Birthday!!! Mine is coming this December... You'll have to key me in on the other side of 30... I'm ready for it! Love your attitude.

Krista said...

I hope you had a great birthday! I'm looking forward to my 30's. Most of my friends are in their 30's now and they all seem super cool. I'll be glad to join the ranks!

Anonymous said...

Happy Belated Birthday!! Hope you had a wonderful and amazing day!

Micah and Catherine said...

I'm late to the party, but Happy Birthday. I just turned 30 too. I don't think I was looking forward to it or dreading it. I am a little sad to see my 20's go as I think so much happened in those years.

The Less Than Domestic Goddess said...

Happy 30th! I'm sorry I am so ridiculously late with it, but I wanted to chime in and send you lots of good wishes for this year :)

You don't look a day over 24 ;) In other news, I turn 30 next year. I need to take a lesson from your positive perspective, and embrace this new era in our lives!

Try Anything Once Terri said...

Happy Belated Birthday!

Your 30's are great. Honestly, I feel like my best self in some senses right now. I looked at a pic of myself at 22, and honestly I think I look and feel better about so many things at 32. :) That being said, I am still searching for some things in my life to come together, but my 30's have been nice to me so far.

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