November 14, 2010

Frenchie Kisses: The End… of the night.

After the tosses we walked around and mingled with out guests as the night started to whine down.



We also got a few final pictures in with our wedding party.

Ohana, our photographers, set up these awesome shots with an old carriage, behind our reception area.

I have to give them props for rallying our wedding party and getting them to stand still for these shots because, due to all the free wine, they were pretty drunk by the end of the night.

In fact, I’m surprise I managed to stay serious in these photos because they had us cracking up.

We didn’t have a big exit at the end of the night, we’d already done our toss at the our ceremony.

Mr Frenchie and I walked around and said good night to as many people as we could. Then we disappeared to the parking lot to meet the car our hotel sent over.

It was actually really fun sneaking away with my new husband. We still had a lot of the night left because our reception ended around 9:30. We went to our hotel room and drank champagne on the balcony of our room and talked about the day.

The End :)

You’re not rid of me yet though, I still have a few more post planned with the Bee Series.

Did you miss anything?

We're Here and We're Married Birdie Details
Papa Frenchie’s Speech
The Other Details

***Note: All photos, unless otherwise noted, are by the fabulously talented, and super awesome to know, Ohana Photographers***

1 comment:

honey my heart said...

i love that you got portraits done at the end of the night, too. loving the ones with the old carriage in the back!

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