My lovely 'Bee buddy Katie, from Ruffles & Truffles tagged me in the fun game of Blog Tag. I answer a set of questions she asks and then tag a new group of bloggers and give them a set of new questions. I like this because everyone on every blog isn’t answering the same set of questions. It’s kinda fun :) Plus, I’ve been SUPER busy with school work this week (Thank God AutoDesk came out with the Mac version of AutoCAD) and thus have had nothing fun to blog about.
Here we go…
1. If you could only wear one color for the next 10 years, what would it be and why?
Easy, black. I already wear a lot of black, so I wouldn’t have to go out and buy a bunch of new clothes. Plus, I think I look pretty good in black too.

2. If you had to replace the Internet with another activity for 10 days, what would it be and why?
I should say working out, but let’s be honest here, I’m not going to work out a work. (Kidding… kinda). Reading or homework. I would like to read more, but reading short stuff on the interwebs is just so much easier than committing to a whole book when I have so much else going on, you know?
3. What is your favorite thing to do on a day off?
Hang out with the Hubs or have a girls day. Either way there will be wine and tasty food and LOTS of relaxing. My days “on” are normally pretty busy with work and school, I like to relax on my days off.
4. What is the strangest food or food combination that you love to eat?
Sadly, I don’t like many weird foods. I like frozen grapes for a snack, but that isn’t that weird to me.
5. Who would you want to play you if a movie was made about your life?
Hmmmm… this would be super easy if I looked like someone famous. I could just say, “Heidi Klum, duh!” and be done with it. I’ve heard I kinda look like Kelly Clarkson, but I saw From Justin to Kelly & I think I need a better actress. Don’t get me wrong she can sing like nobody’s business, but not so much on the acting. I pick Sandra Bullock, because she’s awesome and I want someone awesome to play me :)
6. Which TV show would you like to have a cameo in?
30 Rock, but an episode with Matt Damon. I know we’re both married, but he’s seems fun and I think we could be great friends. Also, I heart Tina Fey and her character, Liz Lemon. I think that set would be super fun.
Cougar Town! I think that show is hilarious. I love wine. I went to college (briefly) with Busy Phillips (Lori), she was really nice a fun to hang out with. I want to friend her on Facebook or something, but I think she’d just think I’m some crazy fan. However, if we met in person, much easier to say, “Hi, remember me?” And now I sound pyscho.
7. What is your absolute favorite dessert item…either homemade or at a restaurant?
Harbor House, Oreo Cookie Milkshake! It has the perfect Oreo Cookie to Ice Cream ratio.

8. Which accomplishment in your life are you most proud of and why? Going back to school. If you haven’t heard the story I dropped out of college :-O in the middle of my junior year. You’re probably thinking, but you were so close! Trust me, I was nowhere near “close”. In my mind, there were giant, unachievable hurdles in front of me before graduation. So yeah, dropped out, got a job, moved home blah blah blah… 4 years ago I discovered an Interior Design school down the street from my office, enrolled and now I’m about to graduate. I did it on my own. No-one told me I needed to go back to college. I was cozy in my 8-5 office job and really I could have comfortably stayed in a similar position the rest of my life. But, I wouldn’t have been happy with myself for never finishing college. It’s been tough and harder than I thought it would be, but when I turn in a project I’m really proud of and NEVER thought I’d be able to do, I'm really proud of myself.
Okay, tag
- Blissful Mussings
- Dandelion Paperweight
- Honey my Heart
- Katie's Whirled
- Life After Lobster
you’re it!
Here are your Questions:
1. What do you believe your best feature is, physical and personality?
2. What is your favorite dish to make?
3. What is your favorite article of clothing? and why?
4. What is the one gift you really hope to get for the holidays this year?
5. What was your favorite blog post? and why?
6. Which blogger would you most like to have dinner with? and why?